1. National Archives I chose the "American Women!" exhibit, which went back to the 1600's. As Eurpeans arrived in America, the role of women was very specific, particularly to age and marital status. Marriage was viewed more as a contract, and sexuality was for reproduction purposes only. Reading was taught solely for the purpose of reading the Bible. As the revolutionary war brewed, respect for women slightly increased, as a strong mother could teach her son patriotism. When the Civil War began, women increasingly became involved in the industrial revolution, helping the poor and slaves in the north. After the war, more women's rights activists rallied for equality. Women worked long days with little pay, and were thought of "disrupting the work place." Women like Susan B. Anthony called for parades, rallies, and demonstrations to show the strength of women. The 19th Amendment finally then gave women the right to vote. The "roaring 20s" was perhaps one of the most significant times for women and fighting for rights. Women cut their hair, wore revealing clothing, and pushed themselves into jobs and different, less submissive roles in society. After the depression and the beginning of WWII, working women finally received a bit of recognition, thanks to Hollywood. However, when the war ended, women began settling back into their homes, with a domestic role. The 60s were another decade of change for women, with protests against authority and the use of birth control. In the 70s, women began taking higher roles in society, such as doctors and lawyers. This movement continued through the 80s as well. Today, the role of a woman has changed dramatically. Girls can grow up dreaming to be anything they wish. Many women are single parents and juggle the duel role of a career and a family and can be the provider for the family. Communication has opened up the floodgates for not only life opportunities, but for women and men as well.
The importance of primary resources in the class room is very important. This can include old photographs, any tool, artifact, interviews, maps, census data, historical documents, film, art, any fashion piece, genealogical information, or anything that shows concrete evidence of the past. These resources give may allow students to touch, smell, listen, or see evidence of the past, besides just reading it in his or her textbook. This is real life documentation that an event occurred or to understand how life was. It is much more interesting to different types of learners as well. Students can read about it, see or watch or hear, and then discuss. This makes for a much more memorable experience.
2. NEA Website
The students that are exercise the achievement gap are girls, minority groups, GLBT, and I can imagine ESL students. It can be difficult for a teacher to tackle so many different needs of students, while still trying to perform a curriculum. These students battle low socio-economic status, language barriers, being pushed ahead when not ready, or not given the extra time they need, bullying, and stereotypes. These students may also be underestimated and pushed to his or her fullest potential.
I think it is so extremely important to celebrate other cultures in school. Particularly, because as Americans, we don't tend to realize how much more is out there! There are so many beautiful societies with different beliefs and amazing differences, from which we can learn so much. Traveling definitely opened my eyes to how... egocentric this culture can be. I like the assessment idea, I think students can learn a lot from each other. Students may choose a place where they were born, lived, visited, or would like to see and write a report (of course use a powerpoint and post it to his or her blog) and share with a class all aspects of the culture. I also think sharing ideas like this with other teachers is extremely important. Organizing a task force would really help get staff support and encourage cultural awareness on campus. It would bring together not only students and teachers, but different cultures, and a community. I also think discussing with the staff, regarding developmental needs of different cultures of students is important. As a soon-to-be new teacher, I would like to help every student as much as possible. Most likely, I will have language learners, and getting help from experienced teachers can benefit this students substantially. Knowing what services are available at my school and how to best serve my students should be a large priority.
3. Stop Cyber Bullying!
Well, even though I am a cyber saint, 0:) I can benefit from reading about this, to help my future students. Since I plan to teach high school, this is a VERY important topic, especially with the popularity of Facebook and Twitter amongst students. When I was young, Barry Walters used to bully by pushing me down on the playground. I scraped my knee. Now, students trash each other on Facebook, start fake blogs or email accounts, doctor pictures, threaten each other, and pretty much anything else you can imagine. One method of cyberbullying, is the "Vengeful Angel", where the teen sees themselves as righting a wrong, or an "eye for an eye" tactic. No matter what, they strictly view themselves as the victim. Letting these students know that these matters are better not done as revenge is the best way to deal. Because matters can quickly escalate, students can quickly find themselves in a lot of trouble. It is better to address the initial issue than letting it get worse. The next type is the "Power-Hungry" bully. These teens are usually victims of bullying offline and want to exercise his or her power to show control. And they do this craving an audience, intending to threaten or embarrass. They are also the students with they best tech skills, so they may remain anonymous. Next, we have the "Mean Girls", who, like the movie, entertain themselves or his or her friends by ridiculing someone else. This group wants people to know who they are to boost an ego. Finally, we have the "Inadvertent Bully", who may not realize he or she is bullying at all. The things written may be mean or even hateful, but they are not intended that way. These things just may not be thought through all the way. It might even be joking around, but it gets easily out of control.
4. Kelly Schrock's guide for Educators - Ask Dr. Math!
This is a "question and answer service" not only for math students, but teachers as well! There is a searchable archive, and also a way to submit your own question. The question is submitted on a web form, then the answer and explanation returned by email. There are questions of the week in different tiers of math, and quizzes and puzzles. These may be presented by a teacher for a class, or part of computer lab time. The site also has math ranging from elementary to college! I've already bookmarked this AND tabbed this in Delicious.com. Even teachers can get stuck on math problems, and I can guarantee I would use this source to solve a difficult problem. I can also link this page to my blog, for students to access if they need help at home.
5. Multiple Intelligences
My strongest learning styles were logical-mathematical (75%), kinesthetic (58%), naturalistic (69%), and (even though the quiz didn't put this as top 3, I think) visual spatial (50%). After taking the quiz, I am reminded of all the fun things, for which I had time. Makes me want to throw my TV away.
The video I chose was " Multiple Intelligences Leave No Child Behind". It was about a k - 12 school with a curriculum based upon MI(multiple intelligences). Teachers and staff recognize that students may be very strong in a few and weak in 1 or 2. Because students were learning differently, there must also be new ways in which to asses the subject area. "P.O.D.S" are elective periods to approach MI on an individual basis. If students struggle throughout the day, these periods give him or her a feeling of success and accomplishment. If these students learn strengths early and stay on track, it can help them to be more successful, earlier in life. The school views standardized testing as a waste of valuable classroom time, and test scores are not everything. "If we want originality in children and creativity, we have to teach them processes of how to learn, as opposed to information."6. Teaching Tolerance
Interpreting Wealth Disparities: Grades 6 - 12, Mathematics and Art
The lesson begins with an introduction about the topic itself, a wage gap — the disparity in wages between workers and corporate executives. A statue 16 inches tall sat next to the Washington Monument, one representing a worker, and the other a CEO, respectively. This leads to a discussion about debt, savings, and assets. A PDF file is printed for each student, with graphic data related to the topics. In small groups, each groups is assigned a different graph to review, and then discuss in class. Then the students are asked to think of a more creative way to present the group's chart, "juxtaposed against specific locations at school or in the community". Students research the building, bridge, boat, etc to find specific measurements and create a smaller replica, representing the working class. These art pieces, accompanied by an explanation piece, may be placed all over the school for other students, teachers, staff or family to see.
7. EdChange
After taking this quiz, I didn't expect to get many right, and I quickly went to the answer page to find which questions shocked me the most. I actually answered question 7 right: Compared with their U.S.-born peers, how likely are immigrant men in the U.S., ages 18-39, to be in jail or prison, according to a 2008 report from the Immigration Policy Center? 5 times LESS likely was the correct choice. I feel that in this society, we are so quick to blame and want a concrete reason for everything. I also think this is why there are SO MANY lawsuits constantly clouding our judicial system. And why the future teachers have so many sensitive issues with which to deal. Anyway, my point is that immigrants are constantly being blamed for so many things gone wrong in our society, such as crime or abusing the welfare or healthcare system. And maybe a teacher that feels strongly about this subject, makes his or her opinion public or comments in class. This can completely affect an immigrant student, stereotypes from other students, his or her own self esteem, and so on. It is so important for an influential person such as a teacher to be fully educated on a subject. Which leads me to the next question:
What percentage of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender high school students report that their teachers “never” or “rarely” respond to homophobic remarks made by other students, according to a national study by GLSEN? The answer is 84.5%. This can have a huge impact on the way students in the class view one another, let alone the things they think they are allowed to say. If a teacher is condoning a behavior (especially one that is considered wrong by PC standards), then students will go to town and push it as far as they can. Teenagers constantly substitute the word "gay" in for stupid, such as "this assignment is so gay". When I student taught, the two words that really landed my students in hot water was "gay" and "retarded", because both were so highly misused in a negative context. Students need to realize how offensive and upsetting this can be. Finally, the last question that shocked me was:According to UNICEF, the wealth of the three richest people in the world is roughly equal to the combined Gross Domestic Product of: 48 countries. Wow. With all this wealth amongst so many people suffering, how can someone live with themselves? I also found out there are 2.6 million millionaires in the U.S. What?! How is there this much wealth and our school systems are squeezing the last penny while cutting art programs? I guess the phrase "share the wealth" isn't what it means. Don't these millionaire parents want their town or city to have good schools? Programs for children and teens? Help for the poor? An image of Shaun White driving around in his white Lamborghini just popped in my head. No... status and material possessions are so much more important...8. "Netiquette Guidelines"
My quiz score is 100% (I did guess on the flame question)
Teaching students these guidelines is so very important because it does go hand in hand with good morals. The first rule, is a "do unto others" rule - just because you can't see that person or his or her reaction, doesn't mean it won't hurt. "Would you say it to the person's face? Some standards may seem lower in cyberspace, but it is important to understand that if something doesn't seem right or legal on the Web... don't do it. Understanding what a website is about and not over-stepping boundaries is also important. Students should recognize when it is appropriate to respond or write a comment. Not only is this important, but HOW the comment is made is also sensitive to the site. Another topic is about understanding when to publish a post or who to send it to - don't waste time or bandwidth. The entire office or staff doesn't need to read an email directed at just one person. Nor does one need to post the same response 6 times on the same page.... Or maybe not always sending those cheesy forwards??? One of the most important rules is to remember that when one is writing online, it is NOT the same as texting a friend. "wat r u doin?" probably will not impress your professor, boss, potential employer, etc. when seen in an email, blog, or anywhere, actually. Make all the writing online not just good, but free from errors, spelling, grammatical, or typing. As much as we utilize search engines, and get help online, remember it is nice to give a little back, too. If there is a good resource or information, share this with others, perhaps on a blog or bookmarked in a delicious.com account. Remember that people may make mistakes online, whether something is embedded wrong, to too much information is given. Instead of ridiculing, understand that he or she made an honest mistake and help them, rather than bully. Finally, just stop and take a breath. Is there a topic really getting heated enough over to insult someone? Think about how, well, stupid someone looks when they go berserk online. In any heated situation, take a deep breath, step back, and be the bigger person. All these lessons are so important to teach young student and reiterate throughout school. Many young internet savvy students are the ones who fall into the ruts of bullying or hacking. Reminding students to "walk a mile in other shoes" is so important, especially in internet safety as well.
This meets NETS V by having students participate in an online learning community, while demonstrating how to use this tool. The links created in delicious, also link students to technological information and create online exploration.